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Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics

C. Steve Suh (editor), Pawel Olejnik (editor),

Xianguo Tuo (editor)

Pawel Olejnik (editor)

Lodz University of Technology, Poland


C. Steve Suh (editor)

Texas A&M University, USA


Xiangguo Tuo (editor)

Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, China


The Effect of Intra- and Inter-Ring Couplings in Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Multiplex Networks

Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics 8(4) (2024) 405--416 | DOI:10.5890/JVTSD.2024.12.003

K. Anesiadis$^{1,2}$, J. Hizanidis$^{3,4}$

$^1$ School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, GR-15772, Greece

$^2$ Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Center for Scientific Research ``Demokritos'', Athens, GR-15431, Greece

$^3$ Department of Physics, University of Crete, Herakleio, GR-71003, Greece

$^4$ Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Foundation for Research and Technology -- Hellas, Herakleio, GR-70013, Greece

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We study the dynamics of identical Leaky Integrate-and-Fire (LIF) neurons on a multiplex composed of two ring networks with symmetric nonlocal coupling within each ring and one-to-one connections between rings. We investigate the impact of different intra-ring coupling strengths in the two rings for attractive and repulsive inter-ring coupling and show that they can lead to subthreshold oscillations. The corresponding parameter spaces where this phenomenon occurs are determined numerically. Moreover, we show that depending on whether the couplings between the two rings are attractive or repulsive, the interaction produces qualitatively different behavior in the synchronization patterns and the mean frequency profiles.


The authors would like to thank Astero Provata for helpful discussions.


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