Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management
Do Human Capital and Export Diversification Decline or Augment CO$_{2}$
Emissions? Empirical Evidence from the MINT Countries
Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management 9(2) (2021) 111--125 | DOI:10.5890/JEAM.2021.06.002
Foday Joof$^1$, Aliya Zhakanova Isiksal$^2$
$^1$ Risk Management Department, Central Bank of The Gambia, 1-2 Ecowas Avenue Banjul, the Gambia
$^2$ Department of Banking and Accounting, Near East University, Nicosia TRNC, via Mersin 10, Turkey
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This paper analyzes the consequence of human capital and export
diversification on the CO$_{2 }$emissions of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and
Turkey (MINT). To attain the impartiality of the study, the Pooled Mean
Group (PMG) is used on panel data from 1975-2010. The outcome from the PMG
reveals that education (human capital) has a negative consequence on
CO$_{2}$ in the long term. This indicates that an increase in education
reduces the level of CO$_{2}$ emissions in the environment. Furthermore,
export diversification is positively associated with carbon emissions in the
long run. The findings also illustrated that the environmental Kuznets curve
(EKC) hypothesis is invalid for these nations. The outcomes of Dumitrescu
and Hurlin (DH) causality provided evidence for unidirectional causation
running from export diversification to CO$_{2}$ emissions. Also, a feedback
association amid human capital and CO$_{2}$ emissions is found. However,
economic expansion, the quadratic term of GDP, and energy consumption have
no causal association with carbon emissions.
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