Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics
Effect of Disease-Induced Death Rate and Latent Period on Global Stability for SIRS Epidemic Models with General Incidence Rate
Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 12(3) (2023) 497--521 | DOI:10.5890/JAND.2023.09.006
Amine Bernoussi$^1$, Chakib Jerry$^2$
$^1$ Laboratory: '{E}quations aux d'{e}riv'{e}es partielles, Alg`{e}bre et G'{e}om'{e}trie spectrales, Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail
University, BP 133, 14000 Kenitra, Morocco,
$^2$ Moulay Ismail University of Meknes, Team O.M.E.G.A, Faculty of Law, Economics and Socials Sciences,
3102 Toulal, Meknes, Morocco
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In this paper, We study a class of delayed SIRS epidemic dynamical models with a general nonlinear incidence rate representing the transfer from susceptible class to infected class. Besides we incorporate a surviving probability from susceptibles to infectious. Throughout the paper, Lyapunov and Euler's stability tools are used to establish the global and local stability for both disease-free and endemic equilibriums depending on reproduction number value $R_0$ and disease-induced death rate. Finally, a sensitivity analysis over basic reproduction number with respect to controllable model's parameters and numerical simulations are presented to illustrate and explain our theoretical results.
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