Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics
Fractional Modeling of Driver’s Dynamics. Part2: Set Membership Approach
for Steering Feel and Visual Feedback
Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 3(3) (2014) 215--226 | DOI:10.5890/JAND.2014.09.002
Firas Khemane, Rachid Malti†, and Xavier Moreau
Universit´e de Bordeaux, Laboratoire de l’Int´egration du Mat´eriau au Syst`eme – UMR-CNRS 5218
351 cours de la lib´eration – 33405 Talence, France
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This paper is the second part of a study related to modeling drivers
dynamics in the overall driving loop in the context of disturbance
rejection and trajectory tracking. After a brief description of the
experimental set-up, a fractional model for steering feel and visual
feedback cases are proposed, and their parameters estimated. As
expected in human reaction, data recorded from different experiments
present a considerable dispersion, due to varying human reactions
from one experiment to another. Such time-variant systems can be
modeled using set membership methods which allow identifying a set
of feasible models for healthy persons.
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