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Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity

Dimitry Volchenkov (editor), Dumitru Baleanu (editor)

Dimitry Volchenkov(editor)

Mathematics & Statistics, Texas Tech University, 1108 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409, USA


Dumitru Baleanu (editor)

Cankaya University, Ankara, Turkey; Institute of Space Sciences, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania


Oscillatory Criteria for Some non Conformable Differential Equation with Damping

Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity 10(3) (2021) 461--469 | DOI:10.5890/DNC.2021.09.009

Juan E. N '{a}poles Valdes

UNNE, FaCENA, Av. Libertad 5450, (3400) Corrientes, Argentina and UTN, FRRE, French 414, (3500) Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina

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In this paper we present some criteria on the oscillation of solutions of a Non Conformable Differential Equations of $\alpha+\alpha$ order, under natural considerations. The local derivative considered was defined by the author in a previous work and a change of variables is used to transform the generalized differential equation into an ordinary differential equation of second order and using a Generalized Riccatti Transformation, together with known integration techniques, we obtain the desired results.


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